Sun Conjunct Pluto

Sun Conjunct Pluto transit happening NOW.

The Luminous Sun meets the Lord of the Underworld at 28 degrees Capricorn.

‘The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A mirror covered with a fine film of dust.” This degree is aware of all those things which can potentially cloud vision. It knows that the only way to keep seeing things clearly is to keep clearing away all the non-essentials, side issues and self projections. It’s not an easy task and in fact may seem at times un-doable. It is learning in the current lifetime how to look beyond these obstructions, how to sharpen the picture of anything by listening to one’s intuition. And also how to focus on the bigger picture rather than allowing obscuring and distorting details to render vision cloudy.’ – John Sandbach

Azoth Symbol: The return of a man who has been exploring hidden realms.

Pluto excels at showing us that which we might not readily, and perhaps sometimes, even willingly, want to see. Meeting the sun, you could imagine the inclinations, behaviors, and impulses which might arise due to the melding of frequency filters created by these two celestial bodies.

This illumination can also serve as a catalyst to deeper truth – by being able to see the deeper truth in ourselves, and in others.

Pay attention to what might be arising in the house where Capricorn resides in your birth chart.

Also be aware of subtle power-plays, manipulation, and impulses which might arise without proper self-awareness, but keep in mind that these are also the places where the greatest revelations about ourselves and one another might come to the forefront.

This position in particular, combined with this degree, also allows for a deeper connection to our psychic faculties, as well as a more fluid access to occult wisdom.

The themes of research, revelation, focus, Illumination, and transmutation are all present during this time.

All while currently transiting Hexagram 60 – Limitation.

Limitation isn’t always a bad thing. It creates the boundaries and structures which allow the intentional direction of energy. Otherwise – mostly chaos would prevail. Think of a diamond, maintaining a balanced integrity, through the refinement of its facets.

Sending Blessings during this time.

May it provide you with exactly what you might need for the highest expression of your Human, and your Soul.


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