On Heart Coherence & Communicating with Nature

How Heart Coherence supports us in communicating with Nature.

I had a powerful experience last year on the Spring Equinox while sitting in ceremony facilitated by a soul sister.

I received a download on Heart Coherence, after having given a presentation to my job about it a day prior.

Although the presentation was from a rational scientific perspective, the download allowed me to integrate the information from a place of higher knowing, a bit beyond the intellect.

I saw the various pathways going from the heart to the head, as the mind of the heart informs the mind of the brain.

Due to this non-linear information, I saw the spaces between rational binary thought of the brain-mind opening up, allowing for more spaciousness, allowing room for information to come through both from the heart below and the heavens above.

It is said that this is the same intelligence (of the heart) to which humans are able to communicate with plants and animals.

The blood cells compressing from the pulse of the beating heart, release a charge which creates a electromagnetic field. This has been proven and measured, and can he felt by plants, animals, and the Schumann Resonance.

It creates a field. And fields can impact other fields.

This butterfly, that sat with me, for 25 minutes, reminded me of just that.

It taught me the power found in the heart, in the body. It showed me how to integrate through breath, like the rhythm of the heartbeat, the expansion and contraction, which is required to integrate the mentally triggered traumas into the a higher knowing through the coherence of mind and heart.

From using our awareness to allow the heart to fully embody the soma, inform the mind, and surrender to spaciousness, we can allow for greater knowing to come through.

It is the tantric way.
Beyond the separation of rationalization, into union.
A deeper knowing. Which comes through the integration of fragmentation into wholeness.

Thank you, butterfly teacher.
You have supported me more than you know.
Or maybe
you do.


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