Human Design & Gene Keys – Line 4

Now, on to the sweet line 4’s.

I deeply appreciate the line 4’s in my life.

Their ability to network – not necessarily from a cheesy marketing stand-point, but from their ability to connect with the hearts of people, through their own heart.

What’s interesting about this, and why this is important for other people to know, whether they have line 4’s in their life or whether/when they interact with the line 4’s, is that the connection, regardless of the time frame (10 minutes, 10 months) is real, and authentic. 

Sometimes when people feel a deep-hearted presence – they wonder what it means…

“is this person just being nice..”

“do they like me…?”

“are they flirting..?”


All themes you might experience when interacting with a line 4! lol

Perhaps yes, or perhaps no! lol. Remember that. 

They are the opportunist – so it is correct for them to make these connections and build their network because this is how they thrive. 

In their light, they operate from an open-hearted place – and in their shadow, they close their heart, not knowing why they are closing. 

My previous partner had a line 4, as well as a few other dears friends that I got really close to.

And this closure of the heart can be challenging on the receiving end. I know this from experience. 

It requires receiver the willingness (and the regulated nervous system) to hold space for the lack of openness. To not take it personally. And to meet them with gentleness, and depending on the context of the relationship, also meeting them with romance. 

And if you have emotional authority (like I do) it is best for you to RIDE OUT THE WAVE and wait for CLARITY before you do. Although this is just general obvious life-advice overall. 

I’m speaking from experience – because if not – it can sometimes accentuate the tension (duh).

And its hard sometimes – especially when one’s own wound is activated – to be on the receiving end of when a line 4’s heart closes. 

When I have a close bond to the person – I can feel it energetically, regardless of if we’ve spoken, or how far apart we are. 

But when the charge of the interaction fades and there is more presence available – gentleness and romance are the way to support the opening. 

It’s easier said than done – and easier written than remembered in the moment – but it is a key piece in sustaining a healthy supportive relationship with a line 4. 

Another important part I’d like to emphasize is – that they are supposed to be a networker! And if you don’t have that line in your profile – be aware of if you start having fomo about it!

I’m a 6/2. What I’ve heard is that it is best for us to be *in groups but not of them* – especially if you are still on the roof. And my 2 line works best after solitude, and in 1:1 connections and interactions. The 6 loves groups, but it is in a different context than the 4 line. 

I also noticed myself starting to go into my not-self while being close to the line 4’s.

But that’s not correct for me.

It isn’t correct for me to have a large network of people that I am consistently in deep interactions and communications with. I can have brief stints of that – yes – and then, I need my space to integrate and recalibrate. 

Another thing to keep in mind, which can be challenging for the ego self – is that the line 4 is meant to have something else before it leaves the thing that it’s in. Yes, this applies for jobs, romantic relationships, and friendships. 

I know – it can be frustrating, and I have my own list of judgments around this – lol. But the reality is (according to this framework) this is what is natural and correct for them. 

They need a solid network of individuals to be and feel supported in themselves and what they are here to do in the world.

Another line 4 theme is the polarity of kindness and meanness. This expression can of course depend on whether someone is operating from the shadow or light, and vary in the ways in which it expresses itself. From my experience, I’ve noticed the latter when the heart is closed.

Overall – I do love my line 4’s – although clearly I have some sort karma with them. Both my parents are 2/4’s as well – but remember that karma isn’t always a negative thing – it is an opportunity for us to experience, learn, and evolve. 

Do you have a line 4 in your profile?

Do you have loved ones with this line?

How does this play out in your reality?

Book a session if you’d like to learn more and go deeper. <3

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