Energy Medicine One-on-One

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Product Details

*This session will last for 1-1.5 hours, and be conducted through Zoom. Trishana will reach out to schedule a time after payment has been made.*

This is for you if:

You are wanting clarity regarding a life circumstance, and its greater purpose, with a curiosity of where this energy is working mentally, emotionally, and spiritually., and what the lesson/karmic pattern is for you.

You feel that something is ‘off’ mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and are seeking to access your inner awareness to gain clarity for the purpose of unraveling deeper into your truth.

You are feeling stuck and are seeking guidance on what is wanting to move and shift in your being, with a desire to consciously connect with what will activate your connection to your own personal sovereignty freedom and liberation.

I will intuitively look into your chakra system and energy body to gain insight regarding your current circumstance - allowing the uncovering of your truth from your higher self.

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